Snuffing used to be common in Britain until the more recent invention of the cigarette, and is generally much healthier, when compared to other tobacco alternatives. Snuff bullets are small bottles that store snuff and, just like nose inhalers, they have a small opening at the top from which to inhale the contents. To use them, you simply unscrew the lid to fill the bottle with the amount of snuff you wish to take, and then hold the bullet upside down to ensure the contents reach the top – it is then ready to inhale.
Snuff bullet blizzards come in a range of funky styles from chrome to bright, party coloured fluorescent. They tend to be extra lightweight, allowing them to be slipped quite easily into a purse or handbag. Snuff bullets are therefore much more than storage units, as they provide you with just the right amount of snuff in a small non-spill container.
Snuff is a less addictive substance than other tobacco-based products that are smoked. It is free from tar and other associated cigarette emissions, making it a healthier and cheaper alternative to traditional smoking. Even the British Medical Journal agrees that the risks of developing cancer are greatly reduced when taking snuff as opposed to smoking ordinary cigarettes. Those considering quitting smoking but not quite ready to take the plunge might wish to consider snuff.
Posted in Legal Highs, Snuff by jungle at April 17th, 2011.Click here to cancel reply.Leave a Reply
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